con = $con; $this->aYoyakuNum = $aYoyakuNum; $this->noout = $aOpt['noout']; $this->type = $aOpt['type']; parent::__construct('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $this->oSC = new system_common($con); } function Header() { $this->SetFont(GOTHIC, '', $this->normalFontSize); $value = $this->type == 1 ? 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"; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY usedatefrom,usetimefrom,yoyakunum,shitsujyokbn,shitsujyocode'; $res = $this->con->getAll($sql, array() ,DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $oEQ = new equipment($this->con, $res[0]['shisetsucode']); $aCombi = $this->oSC->get_combi_name_array($res[0]['shisetsucode']); $recs = array(); $sql = 'SELECT y.billingfee, y.usetimefrom, y.usetimeto, s.shitsujyoname, s.shitsujyocode, s.shitsujyoskbcode FROM t_yoyaku_fee_option y JOIN m_shitsujyou s USING (localgovcode, shisetsucode, shitsujyocode) WHERE y.localgovcode=? AND y.yoyakunum=? ORDER BY shitsujyoskbcode, shitsujyocode'; foreach($res as $val) { if (array_key_exists($val['yoyakunum'], $recs)) { if ($val['shitsujyokbn'] == '3') { $usetime = $this->oSC->getTimeView($val['usetimefrom']).'~'.$this->oSC->getTimeView($val['usetimeto']); $recs[$val['yoyakunum']]['List'][] = array('name' => $val['shitsujyoname'], 'time' => $usetime, 'fee' => $val['shisetsufee']); } continue; } $val['MokutekiName'] = $this->oSC->get_purpose_name($val['mokutekicode']); $val['UseDate'] = $this->oSC->put_wareki_date($val['usedatefrom'], true); if ($val['combino'] != 0) { $val['shitsujyoname'] .= ' '.$aCombi[$val['shisetsucode']][$val['shitsujyocode']][$val['combino']]; } $UseTime = $this->oSC->getTimeView($val['usetimefrom']).'~'.$this->oSC->getTimeView($val['usetimeto']); $val['List'] = array(); $val['List'][] = array('name' => $val['shitsujyoname'], 'time' => $UseTime, 'fee' => $val['shisetsufee']); if ($val['optionfee4'] != 0) $val['List'][] = array('name' => '調整額', 'time' => '', 'fee' => $val['optionfee4']); $val['Bihin'] = array(); $opt = $this->con->getAll($sql, array(_CITY_CODE_, $val['yoyakunum']), DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); foreach ($opt as $v) { $usetime = $this->oSC->getTimeView($v['usetimefrom']).'~'.$this->oSC->getTimeView($v['usetimeto']); $val['Bihin'][] = array('name' => $v['shitsujyoname'], 'time' => $usetime, 'fee' => $v['billingfee']); } if ($val['bihinyoyakunum'] != '') { $bihin = $oEQ->get_bihin_yoyaku_data($val['bihinyoyakunum']); $usetime = $this->oSC->getTimeView(date('His', $bihin['usedatefrom'])).'~'.$this->oSC->getTimeView(date('His', $bihin['usedateto'])); $item = $oEQ->get_bihin_uchiwake_data($val['bihinyoyakunum']); foreach ($item as $v) { $val['Bihin'][] = array('name' => $v['bihinname'].'('.$v['amount'].$v['unit'].')', 'time' => $usetime, 'fee' => $v['bihinfee']); } } $recs[$val['yoyakunum']] = $val; } unset($res, $aCombi); return $recs; } function output_pdf() { $recs = $this->get_db_data(); $toprec = $recs[$this->aYoyakuNum[0]]; if ($toprec['suuryotani'] != '') { list($genId, $genCode) = explode(',', $toprec['suuryotani']); $genValue = $this->oSC->get_genmen_info($genId, $genCode); $toprec = array_merge($toprec, $genValue); } $scd = $toprec['shisetsucode']; $userid = $toprec['userid']; $shisetsuInfo = $this->oSC->get_shisetsu_data($scd); $sysInfo = $this->oSC->get_system_parameters(); $userInfo = $this->oSC->get_user_data($userid); $userInfo['localgovname'] = $sysInfo['localgovname']; $userInfo['shisetsuname'] = $shisetsuInfo['shisetsuname']; $userInfo['shisetsumaster'] = $shisetsuInfo['shisetsumaster']; $userInfo['addr'] = $userInfo['adr1'].' 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